Friday, February 15, 2013

Recorded Today

This one, will be tomorrow's class page.
The idea came up when i had executive gathering last Tuesday at our office.
The committee provide photo booth. Actually its for clients, but we could also use it...
Here goes the photos. With my AE, Gita
Isn't it fun when you can do the job and play along??

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Pelipur Lara

Sooo, ceritanya hari ni terburu buru ke kantor karena ada TOP URGeNT banget untuk materi tayang banti malem
Yang harus di approve klien and diunggu cuma sampe jam 10 pagi!!

AE nya, Jessie udah pontang panting dari beberapa hari yang lalu, di marahin klien lah ( yang pastinya emang makanan kita juga yaa )

Dengan kondisi jalanan yang macet (jakarta, hari kerja gituu) dan keahlian sang mister Eko our driver, sampailah ke kantor tempat si klien menunggu......
Lewat 45 menit dari waktu yang DIHARUSKAN!!!

Bismillah aja dehh,
Semoga semua materi yang kita siapin bisa lancar, approve, and bisa ditayangin nanti malem,
Proses preview berjalan lancar dan lebih santai dari perkiraan, walaupuuunnn deg deg an ga putus, dann revisi tetepp ada
Sambil tetep tektokan sama produksi, alhamdulillah lancaarrrrr

Ketok palu deh, yesss tetep tayang sponsornyaaaaa. ... Horeeeeee
Setidaknya kehebohan pagi ini terbalaskaaannnnn

Sekaranggg release stress
Mari makaannnn enyaakkkk

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

My bobohe and bobokak

My precious
My love
My life

A good life

One of my layout for the class at made with love Indonesia
If it goes well, only for the class i will have 104 layouts for the year hahahaa
Such a productive way
Surely have to make many albums fir keeping all the pages

First lunch meeting

The first time for new group lunch
Hong Kong Cafe is the place
The food absolutely tasty and yummy, not to mention it has many kinds of foods
Great ambiance and great wall for photos background😄😄